Sunday, February 16, 2014

always darkest before the dawn

Saturday was a day I've been looking forward to with lots of anxiety covered in prayer (when I began this it was Saturday but now it was 2 Saturdays ago :)...a day that ended with peace and reassurance. A day that was overall an answered prayer. Now some of you will remember a post I did a few weeks ago about Healing and Calling Instead of Bitterness this weekend was a step forward At least for me...but I'm pretty sure it was for all involved only time will tell.

One thing I've struggled with for most of my life is feeling inadequate and a lack of self confidence however over the last few months since my bible studies I've been reminded of who I am because of God and who he created me to be. God had this whole day orchestrated it started with "coffee" with an awesome friend who I'm loving getting to know...a kindred spirit that keeps me grounded :) she's pretty ah.mazing! The greatest thing about this trip for me was the drive...the moments when I doubt question and often just hunker down in fear mode...the Truths that I have kept telling myself over these last few months/years were what my inner dialogue said not the lies?! can you say wow I never thought that it would stick. but it did and can I say it was refreshing...our God is great and his word is true and you are not the lies the inner you says; you are the truths that the bible speaks over you! Believe it; Own it; Say it out loud and say it every time you revert back to the lies and one day you will believe and speak the truth on the inside!

A thing that struck me today was 1) how beautiful it was outside this morning and how loud the birds were singing 2) that is one of my hubs favorite reasons for running in the morning. He always mentions how no matter how dark it is outside, whenever the birds wake up they sing. They sing loud and proud there is nothing that can or will inhibit their singing and joy that they have another day. 3. this is how I should LIVE everyday of my life no matter how dark it may be before the dawn of a new day. I should shout and sing and praise God for the blessing that is today, because he provides for the birds and he loves us that much more. Yet we forget and often fail to praise in the good let alone the bad or the dark.

So my reminder everyday is to praise God uninhibited no matter what time or season it may be in our lives. I don't know what is ahead I don't know what to expect from this point moving forward I really hope the meeting a few Saturday's ago turns into something bigger and better because my God can fix it, heal it, and build it back to where it was and better, I also know that no matter what God has me in his hands and he has something great for me! The same thing is true for you!

So next time you hear the birds singing remember to praise God, seek God and just pray without ceasing. He has a plan for us and lets move forward in that.

Blessings and Peace
