As I clicked below to see more memories from today in years past there was the post I wrote last year about my sweet hubs getting home from India. Words can barely describe how much that trip has impacted our lives and I have a good feeling that, the decision we made to follow that nudging and send him will be interwoven in the rest of our lives. God rocked our worlds and has continued to stretch us and grow us because of this trip. He called us out and into
Can I be brutally honest here and say that I fully expected that trip to be a one time thing, but today one year ago at dinner time God took my comfortable bubble and popped it. He called us to something so much more beautiful and life changing than I would have ever thought of, imagined or dreamed of. In some ways I feel like we have done a lifetime of growing in the last year, and yet I know we have so much to learn and so many places to grow.
Today in Bible study we talked about two churches in Revelation, church of Philadelphia and the church of Laodicea. Its amazing how different the letters are to these two churches. Philadelphia was praised because of their faith, their patient endurance during some very difficult times. Jesus, encouraged them, lifted them up, promised protection during the trial, and reassured them about his coming. Laodicea on the other hand were self sufficient, pitiful, wretched, apathetic, half hearted and blind. Jesus had no praise or affirmation for them, He wanted them to realize that they needed Jesus and that Jesus wanted them to be all in and pursue him. To let him deal with their sin,
repent and fall back in love with him.
I feel like the church at Philadelphia today, I'm tired, I feel like all the things God has on our plate are about to fall off and break into a million pieces. I know they wont but nonetheless when exhaustion sets in on this momma's anxiety tends to wreak havoc. This morning I woke up thinking about this blog that I started yesterday. The struggles of yesterday still very present and when the hubs got to work those troubles seemed to quadruple. It hit fragile everything we have in life is, how fast everything can change, and just how quickly this comfort can leave. As me and C were walking home from taking J to school. It hit me. Why the church of Laodicea lost sight of Jesus. How much easier is it to rely on yourself? Especially when things are going your way. How much opposition do you face when you are going with the stream instead of against it? But how much less rewarding is it? how much impact will you have on others? will you ever make a difference? If things do crumble where do you have hope? Yes, its tempting to rely on yourself, on what you can do. However, I tend to drop the ball, mess things up, I'm not sure that on my best day I could ever be a fraction as successful as the Laodiceans were. Even if I was, I wouldn't want to give up the hope, the love, the peace. Life is crazy, messy, beautiful and rewarding. We have something much bigger than us to live for. Purpose. You can't buy purpose, meaning. I choose that, in all that entails. I know God has some BIG things in store for us and he is working on things.
Whatever life looks like, when all hope seems lost, when those things you were counting on staying the same change. Remember where your constant source is, remember who sustained you before. That foundation is unshakeable and worth building life on. Praying for you where you are, that you can see the hope and the value of pressing in, and abiding in Jesus, the one thing that will never fail and never change, who will love us and guide us everyday. Keep seeking him, keep praying, keep hoping, find others to pray with you. Breakthrough is coming, that answer is coming! You got this because God's got you!
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