Wednesday, November 25, 2015


What are you waiting on today? Have you been wearing out the floor by your bed pleading to God to answer that prayer for a break through in your finances? your marriage? healing in relationships? a job? a ministry that you have felt called to but it isn't going any were??

Merriam-Webester defines wait as:
1. to stay in place in expectation of
2. to delay serving (meal)
3. to serve as a waiter

1 remain stationary in readiness or expectation pause for another to catch up

2 a. to look forward expectantly
    b .to hold back expectantly

3. to serve at meals

4 a. to be ready and available
   b. to remain temporarily neglected or unrealized.

Waiting...its one of those things we do daily. I don't handle waiting very well, most of us don't. When I'm waiting most of the time I feel most like 4b's definition. I wallow, panic, worry, doubt, question, wonder...pray, seek, read, talk to others....panic, know how it goes but most often I think when we are called to wait or we are in a season of waiting on God to perform those big things that only he can do is to remain stationary in readiness and expectation. to look forward expectantly, to be ready and available.

Instead of becoming bored, overwhelmed or even underwhelmed, stay focused look to God watching expectantly for what he has in store.

This year as been a year of getting comfortable being uncomfortable. We have been stretched in ways we didn't know we needed to be stretched, areas that needed stretching for a while, even those areas that just need to be refined a little more. One of those areas of course is waiting, you know those fruits of the spirit?! peace, patience, self control?! all roll up into how we are supposed to handle waiting. (HAHAHAHA right) well you know how when something needs to be refined God has a way of refining it to make us look more like him!! So needless to say in this season of getting comfortable...God is refining our waiting skills.

If we would have been able to control it there would be an orphanage built in India, all of the orphans would be sponsored. Little changes wouldn't throw us off, those unexpected things wouldn't come and everything would just work out, with as little stress as possible.

God loves us to be in a constant state of dependence on him. He wants us to long for time with him. A little over a month ago in Mid October a friend of mine and I sat down for coffee in my living room for a much needed chat. It began with the normal, kids, husbands, life, work, etc but eventually came around to a well prayed around part of both of our lives. Something we both lay before Jesus daily, the orphanage those 32 boys who desperately need a home. My husband who feels called to get it done. Lots of ideas...followed closely by a whole lot of closed doors...

God shows up and says now
The venue was available
The ideas came together
The team formed
The date was selected
November 21...

The kicker?? its October 21. 30 days to plan...prepare and make this thing happen. What an incredible, wild, crazy, adventure filled, drawing our team of 4 out of our comfort zones into the midst of something simply perfect. God showed up and showed off in such a great and powerful way and allowed us to pull it off. Our goal for the fundraiser was 5,000 and we thought that was wanna know how God showed up and showed off?? as of right now because of this fundraiser we have over $15,000 towards the orphanage!!!
We have been trying so hard to accomplish a fraction of this for over a year...but God had something else. He had a bigger plan in his timing. It is all coming together. We aren't sure how its going to look but wow are we excited and ready.
So be encouraged. He is working. He hears your prayers, counts your tears...He's preparing the way. It will all come together. If it all seems hopeless and up in the air, grab coffee with a friend, seek him together because that helps, community helps you see the light when the darkness hides it and the lies confuse. Stay focused it will all come together in time. Hold fast to his promises...He is always true to his word. 

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