Thursday, January 9, 2014

Created in his likeness

This morning as I was spending time with our little C before big brother woke up. I started thinking about how my sweet little C is my hubby's duplicate, not only is he pretty close to a spitting image of him, his mannerisms, just the way he is reminds me of my husband. Anyone who knows my husband knows that he is very persistent and never gives of hubby's most frustrating traits in C is this one: C will scream and fight to against it all to accomplish the goal ahead and the biggest thing he doesn't want is help...can anyone say this is his daddy...and I KNOW this is how his mom felt when he was growing up. To be honest I know the same is true for me and J we are so very alike its crazy, exciting and very frustrating at times. Ahh the joys of child rearing :)

All that to say when people see our children and they know us....they have no doubt that they belong to us. J and C will just show you exactly how much they are like us, even to our detriment some times. I mean I really don't want some of my bad habits out there for everyone to see but when I take them places together everyone knows that mommy has a bad temper sometimes, on some occasions they surprise you and show off and show people that on rare occasions mommy and daddy did something right. I mean don't get me wrong I think most of the time we are doing a good job but somehow parenting seems to bring out your greatest failures, and your biggest doubts about yourself. All that to say these little people that God blessed us with....are little reflections of their parents in everything that entails.

As followers of Jesus...isn't that what I'm supposed to do? reflect to others who God is? Be a light to those who need it? Help those in need? I mean after all we were created in the image of God.

I know that because of the fall and sin we don't always reflect that especially just in our innate being. The great part is as followers of Jesus we have the Holy Spirit to truly help us reflect Jesus to our world.

I know I'm not always a good reflection of him but I do try my best and I know fully that God helps me and he truly is the only reason I can reflect his greatness. This struck me really hard this morning, it really made me think what a challenge to pull me back into the loving arms of my savior than a prayer to be more like him. So that I will reflect him more so than my broken self. I'm always amazed at the great whispers I hear, or the nudges I feel from my sweet heavenly father when I'm just still and soaking up a moment.

Lets strive to depend on God to reflect him to our lost, broken and hurting world. They need his redeeming grace, his unconditional love and unhindered longing for relationship...who am I kidding we all need this daily. God is gracious enough to meet us daily where we are and encourage and mold us into who he is calling us to be.

Thank you for reading my thoughts...until we meet again. May God bless you and keep you, and be whatever you need him to be for you right now.

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