Friday, September 12, 2014

Hand Me Down Shoes...

It is so amazing how much I learn from our boys about faith, joy and how we should live life...they find joy in the simple things like running in the rain, new shoes or clothes, playing with friends, just being with those they love and adore.

The things I often take for see I often look around and instead of gratitude I feel overwhelmed...I often dream of giving away everything and the freedom that would come with that. This week as I was going through the boys things to see what they need for fall/winter (or in texas what we call a slightly cooler version of summer) I noticed that J's shoes were getting REALLY hard to put find out that he outgrew them. That evening we went to a friends house where we were talking about how fast they outgrow things...She told me she had a pair of shoes we could have for him, the shoes are well most "hand me downs" from little boys...lets be real if there aren't holes did they ever really wear them?! I took them with gratitude thinking these will work for a little we got around the next morning J saw them. Let me tell you what...he could not contain his excitement about his NEW shoes.

Be still my heart...

Life with this boy has not been easy over the last few months...I mean he's four, and he wants to be independent, right and rule the world...without full understanding what that all entails :) Man the spirit in that boy...he's going to be a world out...

But oh my goodness...gratitude and just pure joy...he LOVES these shoes he couldn't be prouder, he just loves wearing them. So much so that we have to take them away when hes not listening :)

As you all know I'm a worrier, I carry burdens I'm not intended too, I worry senselessly and often find out it was all unwarranted. As big of a battle this is with our sweet I get now why Jesus wanted the little children to come to him. The purity in their prayers, the willingness to turn to God with faith, to sing praises to God when they are uncertain. Witnessing this does this mommas heart good. I often wonder if I'm doing a good job and if this stay at home mom stuff is important...then they surprise me. God hears my hearts cry to just see a glimpse of hope...and I he got some hand me down socks....

He CANNOT wait to wear them :)

Geez friends lets find joy in the hand me the mundane, the everyday, the things that we so often look down upon...they are still AMAZING gifts and I'm grateful not only for the shoes and socks but for the lesson that J has taught me through it. Praying that we all have a child like faith and joy... until we meet again!

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