Wednesday, July 23, 2014

the two become one flesh

I’ve had the idea to write about our marriage a few times and just couldn’t get past a certain point…I get stuck sometimes…writers block or maybe just two boys who need extra attention or it’s just not the right time to write about it.

However today/this week my hubby has been on my heart. You see he is one of the strongest men I know nothing really gets him down. If you know him, you know he has a super positive outlook on life he, he loves summer, he loves food, he loves running but most of all he loves his family, he takes time after his early morning runs to read his bible and lift us up  in prayer. I love and respect this man with all my heart.

You see when I was growing up I always imagined growing up, getting married and having a family. That was my dream; sure I wanted to be a dancer or ice skater or musician, but most of all I desired to be a wife and mom. I prayed for that and longed for that. One of my earliest memories of my dad was him saying “no boys until after college” and one of their earliest stories of my sister and I is me telling her the same thing. (little secret…it didn’t work…my dad knew his little girl really well)

As I got older I heard that mantra several times, and didn’t like it most days, I mean hello. You could say it was my deepest desire. I had lots of crushes, a couple boyfriends, but I did try to stay away from boys because it was important to put God first, figure out what his plan for me was and be independent. As I graduated from high school and headed to college, I knew I would find the man of my dreams there. (another thing about my parents was they always strived to raise us to be adults, my favorite company was those older than me, you could have deep conversations with them. I preferred adults to my peers my age) So when I met Daniel we talked, and talked. We really got to know each other, we had a blast just being in each other’s presence. We would have great deep conversations, and as we did we got closer and closer. It felt right in so many ways, he encouraged me to be me, and he helped me in school. I knew he was the man of my dreams, I felt it in my heart of hearts. You know that peace that surpasses all understanding, it was right there in the middle of it all.


It all happened really fast, I had a mentor in high school who told us that when you met the person you were meant to be with, “you just know, it feels right.” In the midst of it all I found that to be true… I just knew. I can tell you now going on 7 years later I love him more today than I ever thought was possible.

Ok don’t get me wrong, there are tough spots, we don’t see eye to eye, life is crazy, sometimes in life we are ships passing in the night, other times are wonderful. There will always be hard times I mean, come one we marry the two are becoming one flesh, it’s a process of becoming one. 6.5 years into our marriage I’m getting more of a glimpse of this concept. I get that feeling deep down that something just isn’t right with him, that’s where I’m called to intercede in prayer for him. There’s those moments when he’s sick and I can “feel” it, my heart breaks for him. The great thing is it goes both ways, I know he’s down in the trenches with me. On days when I’m having a bad day he steps up to the plate and takes over, lets me get out or just have some quiet time. When the house is in a state of disarray he jumps in and helps. We feel deeply for each others’ pain, we have joy for one another when we have a victory, when one hurts the other hurts, we are becoming one flesh.

That’s our calling for our marriages, to be each others’ help mate to hold one another accountable, to build each other up and complement our weaknesses. Embracing one another and not letting us stay the same but grow. Pushing one another to being the best us as possible, that’s why I will always be at the finish line with our boys cheering him on at his marathons, that’s why I will cook him meals to accommodate his running which has helped all of us be healthier. His passions have stretched all of us as do mine. Embrace one another’s strengths, come together to overcome weaknesses; strive to see the positive remember their good qualities, why you married them and why you love them. Let those things overshadow their faults. Be encouraged friends

Genesis 2: 23-25

This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife and they become one flesh.

Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.


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