Thursday, August 20, 2015

seasons and change

Today the high was in the 80's with a cool breeze out of the north, and off and on showers. some of my favorite weather. Tomorrow when its back in the upper 90's I will be longing for fall to come that much quicker. While I love playing in our pool with our boys and getting an amazing tan, fall and winter does something for this Texas girl who fell in LOVE with Colorado. I've always loved the cooler weather and that is never a guarantee here in Texas but days like these leave this girl feeling refreshed.

Summer months are wild and crazy around, here especially since the hubs works in construction, this summer marks other big changes. Today we go meet our little man's Kindergarten teacher. Hard to believe we are 4 days from being parents of a school aged child. He's going to rock it. I'm excited to see how he blossoms and grows, this next year.

In seasons of change, challenge, trials...I feel exposed, vulnerable, like the next person that bumps into me may just cause me to break into a thousand pieces or at least all the things I feel like I need to hold together will come crashing down all around me. (wow I give myself a lot of credit and stress) You see, along with summer, challenge, change, and trials comes opportunities to make awesome choices or not so great ones. Depending on the day really depends on my decisions, most things I figure I can carry with God, we got this. While this is obviously true...God has placed someone else in my life that's right there to help, to carry that load, and if you know my husband you know he carries a lot as well. However, we weren't meant to carry it alone, in our marriage, we are meant to carry it together, lay it at the throne of God and cover it in prayer. Pray circles around it, believe and repeat.

This fall holds a lot of unknowns for our family and I can feel myself carrying that unknown...but last night when we laid it all out there about that thing that (I) tend to carry by myself because I think I can fix it...and am scared of disappointing him...because this area is an area I've struggled most of my life but God has brought me so far. It really is miraculous. I'm such a solver ya'll. I'll wear myself out bearing that burden, halfway laying it down at Gods throne only to pick it back up.

My hubs is such a gracious and compassionate, loving man. Who loves me right where I'm at and without him and God I would have never gotten to where we are now. He read a book and went to a conference several years back and they talked about being velvet and steel. Last night despite my fears, he just loved...he accepted and he joined with me. You know the circumstances don't look much different today, but they "feel" different today. I'm grateful that he walks alongside me and that he helps me grow to become a better me and knows that even though it was a step back that means we are making progress forward.

God is so big and he's working in great and mighty ways. I feel like we are on the cusp of something really big. The struggle is real, but so is the peace that surpasses all understanding, with a Father who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask and imagine.

Wherever you are, whatever you face, that thing that your carrying, that thing your afraid to let go of, and that your scared to share with those that are closest to you. Don't believe the enemies lies, they wont love you any less, they aren't going to hate you and they are going to join alongside you so you can move forward together.

James 1:2-8 MSG

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, no deficient in any way.

If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get his help, and wont be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.

Friday, August 14, 2015


Starting from the first few days of our lives we are working to be in a state of independence, fully self sufficient...some of it is spurred on by parents, a lot of it is kid driven I mean from the time they are born they are working towards trying to do things without the help of their parents. Holding their bottle on their own, to getting around without being carried, getting food on their own, feeding themselves...every new skill is met with excitement for all. Then one day you turn around and even though they still need you to cook the raw food they can fully function on snacks within reach without your assistance.

My whole life my parents worked to make sure I was independent, to grow up get an education, get a job, save money and be self sufficient, so that when I got married I wouldn't be dependent on any man. (I don't have anything against this view...just letting you know where I'm coming from) Needless to say my story did not end that way or shall I say start?!

My struggle today...being fully reliant, and dependent on Jesus, the Holy Spirit, The lover of my soul and the one who promises to take care of me fully. He wants us to lean into him, fully rely on him for everything. My peace, my abundance, my empty space, my loneliness, my unanswered prayers, my waiting, my longing, my deepest desires. He wants me to dwell there, he wants me to trust that he has it all together, he has a plan, he has my heart, my life and my all.

I know that it is important to have some independence in this world, but when it comes to God I want my boys to know that full relying on him, will help them achieve their goals, dreams and deepest desires.

As many of you know there are thirteen boys that are always heavy on our hearts and minds, they need a home, they need sponsers, they need someone to love them. The great thing?! the great provider Loves them more than we can fathom and he has them in his hands, he loves them, dearly and Hes working all things together to provide for them...but where I'm sitting I cant see how or where he is working. we are trying to see, but we can so for now we knell before the father and lay them along with all our burdens at his feet and trust that he can carry them and handle them better than we can.

we have a friend who is coming in town from india, last weekend I felt like I needed to get in touch with a friend and fellow blogger who loves Jesus, and like I tend to do I procrastinated...and I couldn't find the words...then on sunday she contacts me about writing about our story. Our India story. She captured it so perfectly.

I love how God intersects paths, just when circumstances seem bleek, overwhelming, he steps in an shows how big he is and how he has it abundantly handled.

I got her newsletter at the perfect time today...reminded me of where we need to focus no matter what our eyes may see or our hearts may fear.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

oh and you should definitely check out Jackie Hooks and Pruning Hooks...Jesus is Big Ya'll