Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I love spring and all that it brings, new life, new beginnings, a fresh start. The greatest gift it brings is the reminder of what God did for us. The ultimate sacrifice, sending his son to his death to save the very ones who would kill him. Oh man I love Easter. I find my heart and soul desperate to pour out all the gratitude I have for that sacrifice. I'm grateful for my two little men and my husband and the ways we get to shape holidays with them. I find that I long to just be with them and show them Jesus in those days. I long for them to see Jesus, thank him and one day depend on him like we strive to do daily.

I had the opportunity to make a new friend last week. I almost missed it. I almost let the fear, the anxiety, the uncertainty keep me here in my comfort and frustration. I love how God takes plans and things that need to be shaken up and does that for you sometimes. I'm grateful he did that last week. Every two weeks some really good friends of mine head over to a shelter to love on some beautiful women, encourage them, wash their feet and paint their toes. When they first started I looked forward to joining them but as things kept happening that prevented me from going, every time they went I had a reason not to go, sometimes legitimate others probably not so much. This last week my friend asked, I told her I couldn't but maybe next time, I really did have plans. Just a few hours later my plans were canceled. Here comes the tug of war on what to do, do I tell her I'm available? or just pretend I'm still busy. After speaking to my husband who politely told me what I didn't want to hear. I told her I could go if they needed me to. Let me tell you what. I'm so thankful I went. Deep down I knew I needed to go, but I didn't have the power to make myself on my own.

The last lady we met has been just pressed into my heart, in ways I don't want to comprehend. She has such a beautiful strong spirit. You know those people that you meet...where you get that feeling in your gut that God has some big things in store for them...I can feel it. It was the close of our time there and the shelter called for a smoke break, meaning most of the others on the list went out for a smoke. This lady had come in late and was last on the list. She came in to check and see if it was her turn but there were about four people ahead of her. She took her adorable son and headed to her bed. I had called several women all of which were out smoking. The only one left in was her. I felt like we had to sit down with her, thankfully because of the break we were able to.

I'm humbled because I didn't do it perfect, I didn't even want to go 100% but I knew I was supposed to. I'm humbled because God trusts us to love on these women, to lift them up and intercede for them.

Courage isn't the absence of fear...its merely one reaction to fear. Thank you Jesus for giving me courage for living in me and through me, equipping me and calling me.

Listen to that still small voice drawing you, calling you. He's got such big things in store for us and his kingdom. Focus on him, his truth, cast everything else aside, it really doesn't matter.

Humbled in a broken, whole, beautiful kind of way. Its exciting to see how God is working every single day in our lives.

Praying for you! Love you! until we meet again....in his Peace
- Angela

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