Sunday, November 8, 2015

Divine Interruptions

Life can be crazy, busy, loaded with to-do lists, as the year winds down and holidays are in full swing. Throw in planning a fundraiser, talking to the mayor and holiday travels and life gets a bit more complicated. You plan moments and minutes trying to fit in every single conversation you possibly can with potential donors. Praying that God goes before and guides your way so the little bit of time you have to devote isn't wasted.

In the midst of yesterday and our to-do list...our day didn't go as planned. we didn't make it to one place to share our hearts and passion about building an orphanage and getting the funds to begin phase 1 by the end of the year. I wasn't ready for a busy day, a day full of running and talking and entertaining little people. Yesterday ended with sweet conversations about what Jesus is doing in the lives of women in Arlington, Tx. How God is moving, building, changing, molding, calling, burdening. We didn't accomplish much yesterday, but we listened to God. We allowed him to slow us down and interrupt our plans and for one moment this week we allowed him to place us in the right place at the right time.

We miss these moments a lot because we don't sit still long enough to listen to the gentle nudging's of the Holy Spirit. The things we are doing are good things and they are things that God has called us to do. However, in these things he has called us to he wants us to rely on him. God puts us in situations so he can show up and show off. He give us challenges so that we remember we need him.

All the opportunities we thought we "missed" yesterday God replaced in bigger better ways today. You know I'm not sure how this fundraiser is going to turn out or how we are going to raise the $50,000 for phase 1, but I know God knows, God has a plan, God is going before us.

There is a barn in Arlington that is going to be a meeting ground for lots of people to come together to love on some orphans across the world, to let them know that not only do some crazy Americans who love Jesus love them but more importantly that God loves them and that God can do all things.

Allow him to interrupt you, to switch the plans, he's got time in his hands and will always go before you. Pave the way and make a difference, trust that, abide there. In that crazy reality that is full dependence on the savior of our hearts. He has it all.

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