Saturday, January 10, 2015

Happy New Year

Its a new much to look forward to. One of my favorite parts of the end of a year and the beginning of a new year is looking back on the year that just ended to see what I can do better, improve on, or continue doing. Self reflection always helps you grow, the hard part is discerning which habits are worth keeping and which ones need to go. Usually we get caught up in resolutions, twenty things we are going to change and how to be better. I don't know about you but these resolutions don't stick around long because they are me powered, they are angela will powered...haha that doesn't go near as far as it needs to most of the time.

So we pray through these resolutions, these changes we feel need to take place to help us be better. One morning, it was New Years Day, I saw a friend post on facebook, how her daughter asked her what her new years revolutions were. Revolution...she said she laughed...but then she got to thinking and praying about what that revolution would be and what it would look like. she said it looks like Jesus, Jesus revolutionizing us, our hearts, our lives, our habits, our relationships. Seeking God first, seeking his priorities, his will for us. Those things, those resolutions or revolutions will stick, those will transform lives. Those will make the biggest difference and make us the best us possible. Revolutions...this facebook post stayed with most of hers do. You really should follow Jackie Hooks on Facebook. Its so inspiring how she loves Jesus, because Jesus is big, much bigger than we often give him credit for. Each day as I have been pursuing what God has in store for this year that has stuck with me.

The great thing about life is its ever changing, even if you are at a place you want to change just give it time it will, the crazy thing about the change is most of the time it isn't necessarily what you want it to be. The only way to ensure that it is the change you want, initiate it, pursue it, and get comfortable in the midst of it, pray through it, lean in and push forward. In the last seven years that's what I've learned about change, resolutions. I know that God has big adventures ahead for us this year and the years to come. As I was thinking on these things and talking with friends about what we can do to be better mommas for our kids, and just to be better. The struggle is real and intense most days especially when your in the trenches just praying you're making the right choices and making a difference in your children's lives.
The thing we all struggled with was comparing ourselves to others. You know, you have those friends who are throwing pintrest parties, having facebook worthy posts about their family life every day, hitting the mark, potty trained in 24 hours, and their kids are already world changers for realization it doesn't matter what I see on facebook I know their reality is like mine...despite what it looks like on this side of the screen, because nobodies life is perfect. Nobody gets it right one hundred percent of the time. No matter what they are doing, no matter what size of the impact they are making, they are just as human as we are.


we cannot spend time comparing our journey to someone elses...we aren't on the same road, God has a different plan for each of us. It is a waste of time for me to sit around think about how I'm not measuring up to what God has called someone else to. Pray and seek the plan that God has for you, stay focused on that, help each other stay focused on their specific goals, lets strive together forward, looking to God and leaning on his will and direction.

My new years, my goals is to press into Jesus, seek him, let him revolutionize the little things so that the big things fall into place. Focus on my journey, pray for my friends on their journey and the great thing?? while we are focusing forward together we get to lean on each other and turn each other to Jesus when we are spinning our wheels.

Don't run on your power seek the unending power, the one that can help you change your world and conquer all that he has called you to this year and all the years to come! He's got some pretty great things in store for all of us!!

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.
Hebrews 12:1-2

until we meet again...

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